Have you ever been to a video chat site? your camera on your mic on and you talk and see on your screen your interlocutor? That is one thing that red5 does. facebook uses it. You can also broadcast live using red5, only it needs is a camera connected to your laptop, an encoder like fmle from adobe or a web encoder like the one we have at Online Red5 Encoder.

Then you need a RTMP. Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a protocol for  streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server. The rtmp can be provided by a web hosting which has red5 installed on their server like Hosting Marketers.

Another interesting thing red5 can do is to stream videos, the advantages of red5 streaming to progressive streaming are:

Advantages for the end user (client):

    1. The server can detect the client’s connection speed and automatically provide the best video stream.
    2. Playback starts sooner, and the user can skip to any part of the video without having to wait for the whole file to download.

Advantages for the provider (webmaster):

  1. The ability to broadcast live streaming events.
  2. The ability to provide advanced interactive content such as live chat, video conferencing, etc.
  3. Video playback is more efficient, requiring less server resources and data transfer.
  4. Video files are not downloaded to the client’s computer, so there is less chance of content being stolen.
  5. Detailed statistics, diagnostics, etc.

Check how the red5 streams:


By admin